Tag Archives: aloes

Gallery Delta, Art for Arts Sake….

An impressive and evocative art video from a few years back, by Nigel Hulett of Granadilla Films…memories and inspirations. youtube.com/watch “Gallery Delta, Art for Arts Sake…. “ ..listen to music from such as Hope Masike on Mbira, watch art memories … Continue reading

Posted in abstract art, Africa, africa, African child, African flora, african trees, aloes, Antiquity, art, art collaboration, art exhibition, art video, artprints, beauty, books, catherdarl, ceramic art, childrens art, church, City Life, cityscape art, community, culture, drawing, dreams, Energy, Etchings, family, film, flight, food, Friendship, gallery delta, gardens, Great Zimbabweans, greek legend, Greek orthodox cathedral, hellenic, Hope Masika, landscape, Life Drawing, lin barrie, Lin Barrie Art, Lin Barrie publication, love, mbira, monoprint, movies, music, musical instruments, paintings, pottery, printmaking, re-cycled art, recycled art, religion, Uncategorized, virtual art exhibition, wall murals, wilderness, zimbabwe, Zimbabwe National Art Gallery | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 1 Comment

Painting and Sketching in my Garden of Eden; But Winter is Coming…….

As an artist and as a naturalist, skulls skins and bones have always fascinated me. I love drawing the shapes of found natural objects and perhaps this harks back to the fact that I loved Biology as a scholar. The … Continue reading

Posted in abstract art, Africa, africa, African child, African flora, African Safari, African wild dogs, african wildlife, aloes, anti poaching, arid areas, art, art collaboration, art exhibition, baboons, beauty, bio diversity, Black rhinos, conservation, conservation news, dogs, dragons, drawing, eco-tourism, edible plant, education, elephants, endangered species, fire, flowers, gardens, gardens and flowers, giant African snail, how to train your dragon, hunting, interior decor, landscape, leopards, Lin Barrie Art, Lin Barrie publication, lions, love, lowveld, movies, orchids, Painted Dogs, painted Dogs, painted wolves, Pangolin, photography, Poaching, poison, predators, prey, reptiles, rhinos, Sabi Stars, safari, Senuko, serenity, sketching, skulls, treasure, Uncategorized, White rhinos, wild dogs, wilderness, wolves, zimbabwe, Zimbabwe National Parks | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 3 Comments

Skulls and Flowers; Life and Death in the Garden of Eden

Skulls have always fascinated me, and bones; we start dying from the minute we are created, a natural process not to be feared but embraced, truly the stuff of LIFE…. I collect skulls from the wilderness, and they sit amongst … Continue reading

Posted in abstract art, Africa, africa, African flora, African Safari, african wildlife, aloes, amphibians, arid areas, art, art collaboration, baboons, beauty, bees, bio diversity, books, drawing, eco-tourism, edible plant, flowers, frogs, gardens, gardens and flowers, giant African snail, great limpopo transfrontier conservation Area, Honey gatherers, insects, interior decor, landscape, Lin Barrie Art, lowveld, predators, prey, reptiles, Save Valley Conservancy, sculpture, Senuko, sketching, skulls, treasure, wilderness, zimbabwe | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 3 Comments

Elephants, Sabi Stars and Aloes go well together in the garden at Chilo Gorge Safari Lodge…..

Over the last weeks our young bulls have been munching trees nightly around the rooms, looking down their long trunks at me in disdain as I try to shoo them away… ……..and for the last few nights at Chilo, two of them have raided … Continue reading

Posted in adventure travel, Africa, African flora, African Safari, african wildlife, aloes, animal rights, art, art exhibition, beauty, bio diversity, birding, birds, bush camps, Chilo Gorge, community conservation, conservation, conservation news, cooking, culture, eco-tourism, elephants, flowers, gardens, gardens and flowers, gonarezhou national park, landscape, Lin Barrie Art, photography, Rivers, Sabi Stars, safari, travel, wilderness, zimbabwe, Zimbabwe Parks | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Sabi Stars and Chilo Gorge Gardens, Xerophytica Congress and Aloes…

Adenium obesum is a species of flowering plant in the dogbane family, Apocynaceae, that is native to the Sahel regions, south of the Sahara (from Mauritania and Senegal to Sudan), and tropical and subtropical eastern and southern Africa and Arabia. … Continue reading

Posted in Africa, African flora, aloes, art, art exhibition, beauty, birding, birds, Chilo Gorge, conservation, conservation news, eco-tourism, flowers, gardens and flowers, landscape, Lin Barrie Art, photography, Sabi Stars, Uncategorized, zimbabwe | Tagged , , , | Leave a comment

Chilo hornbills in flight, cute spider and aloe spikes….

6th January: A visit to Chilo Gorge Safari Lodge, delivering radios for their communications, gives me a chance to dive into the gardens and catch up with the gardeners there. A sundown visit to the Chivalula Falls is awe inspiring, … Continue reading

Posted in Africa, African flora, african wildlife, aloes, beauty, birds, Chilo Gorge, conservation, eco-tourism, flowers, gardens and flowers, gonarezhou national park, insects, landscape, photography, predators, Rivers, Uncategorized, zimbabwe | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Chilo Gorge Lodge Gardens

Chabaudii Aloes overlook the Save River……   Sabi Star…Adenium obesum is a ‘fat ‘ name for such a beautiful plant!   Arthur Barrie spent months last year creating these stunning rock gardens….   A joyous splash of pure colour….   … Continue reading

Posted in Africa, African flora, african wildlife, aloes, beauty, birds, conservation, cooking, eco-tourism, gardens and flowers, landscape, Rivers, safari, theatre, zimbabwe | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment