Tag Archives: coffee

Lions and Jack Russells, Barn owls and Red winged starlings….

Lions have been calling near and far all night, as they have been ever since we returned to our bush house two days ago. Day before yesterday they shouted all day as well as all night…must have killed something. One … Continue reading

Posted in Africa, african wildlife, Save Valley Conservancy, Senuko, Uncategorized, zimbabwe | Tagged , , , , , | Leave a comment

Fresh-brewed coffee to start the day at Chilo Gorge Safari Lodge…. 19 th April

I wake to an overcast sky, but a hole in the cloud canopy suddenly brings sunlight to the rock cliffs opposite Room 1, ‘Eagle’, at Chilo Gorge.. ‘Chilo’ in the local language means ‘ baboon roost’ – a very apt … Continue reading

Posted in Africa, beauty, Chilo Gorge, eco-tourism, gonarezhou national park, interior design, landscape, Nguni cattle, safari, Uncategorized, zimbabwe | Tagged , , , , , , , | Leave a comment