Tag Archives: Helen Lieros

Morning has broken….

Morning has broken like the first morning… Blackbird has spoken like the first bird…. What an apt song that is for reflecting the joy and hope of life; flowers, friends, birds and gardens….., Spring and Summer in Zimbabwe are upon … Continue reading

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Gallery Delta, Art for Arts Sake….

An impressive and evocative art video from a few years back, by Nigel Hulett of Granadilla Films…memories and inspirations. youtube.com/watch “Gallery Delta, Art for Arts Sake…. “ ..listen to music from such as Hope Masike on Mbira, watch art memories … Continue reading

Posted in abstract art, Africa, africa, African child, African flora, african trees, aloes, Antiquity, art, art collaboration, art exhibition, art video, artprints, beauty, books, catherdarl, ceramic art, childrens art, church, City Life, cityscape art, community, culture, drawing, dreams, Energy, Etchings, family, film, flight, food, Friendship, gallery delta, gardens, Great Zimbabweans, greek legend, Greek orthodox cathedral, hellenic, Hope Masika, landscape, Life Drawing, lin barrie, Lin Barrie Art, Lin Barrie publication, love, mbira, monoprint, movies, music, musical instruments, paintings, pottery, printmaking, re-cycled art, recycled art, religion, Uncategorized, virtual art exhibition, wall murals, wilderness, zimbabwe, Zimbabwe National Art Gallery | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 1 Comment

The Winged Victory; Flight, Fight and Freedom

I have always collected fallen feathers, and have been drawing feathers, birds, winged forms and flight obsessively ….. I have just realized how influenced I have been in my subconscious by Nike, the winged Greek Goddess of Victory. She has … Continue reading

Posted in abstract art, Africa, africa, Antiquity, archeology, art, art collaboration, art exhibition, artprints, beauty, birds, butterflies, cultural beliefs, culture, drawing, environment, fire, flight, gallery delta, greek legend, hellenic, Johnson Zuze, k Goddess, Life Drawing, lin barrie, Lin Barrie Art, Lin Barrie publication, marble statue, monoprint, myth, Nike, paintings, phoenix, printmaking, re-cycled art, re-cycled products, recycled art, ruins, sculpture, sketching, spoken tradition, The Louvre, Trash, treasure, Uncategorized, virtual art exhibition, wall art, Winged Victory, Winged Victory of Samothrace, wood sculpture, zimbabwe, Zimbabwean Artist | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 1 Comment