Tag Archives: Sunshine Zimbabwe Project

Balance for Better: Art, re-designing the Woman’s Space….

“Balance for Better: Redesigning the Woman’s Space” opened at the Zimbabwe National Gallery last night. I was thrilled to be able to attend;“Thank you National Gallery of Zimbabwe and team for a tight and well-curated art #exhibition , thought-provoking dance and theatre, stimulating company- … Continue reading

Posted in abstract art, Africa, africa, African child, art, art collaboration, art exhibition, art on clothes, beauty, community conservation, crafts, cultural beliefs, culture, dance, family, FashionArt, film, Lin Barrie Art, Lin Barrie publication, love, Machangana culture, media, music, National Gallery of Zimbabwe, oral history, photography, printmaking, re-cycled art, re-cycled products, sculpture, Shangaana people, theatre, tradition, video, wall art, wood sculpture, Xangana, zimbabwe, Zimbabwe National Art Gallery | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 1 Comment

“Waste no Waste: Trash is Treasure”; Recycled Art in a great cause

The Friends of the Gallery (FOG) is an organization of volunteers, working to promote visual art in Zimbabwe. Their main aim is to assist the National Gallery through adding to the permanent collection, supporting maintenance and upkeep of the collection … Continue reading

Posted in Africa, African flora, African wild dogs, african wildlife, art, art exhibition, beauty, conservation, conservation news, crafts, culture, dogs, Econet, elephants, endangered species, Lin Barrie Art, recycled art, Trash, treasure, Waste no Waste, zimbabwe, Zimbabwe National Art Gallery, Zimbabwe Sunshine Project | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

The Pallet Wood Christmas Tree and the Art Studio re-invented…..

At last! After the house fire,  my Art studio (214 Brooke Drive in Borrowdale Brooke Estate) is repainted, the Living area rebuilt, and paintings are hanging again for viewing! The garden has recovered from the invasion of builders and  under Dad’s … Continue reading

Posted in Africa, African flora, African wild dogs, african wildlife, art, Australia, beauty, Black rhinos, books, childrens art, christmas, conservation, conservation news, conservation publication, cooking, crafts, dogs, Duke of Cambridge, eco-tourism, education, family, fire, flowers, food, food culture, gardens, gardens and flowers, gonarezhou national park, home grown food, homegrown, interior decor, interior design, Lin Barrie Art, love, media, Painted Dogs, painted wolves, Poaching, Prince William, re-cycled products, rhinos, safari, Save Valley Conservancy, Senuko, slow food, taste, Tusk Trust, Uncategorized, White rhinos, zimbabwe | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 2 Comments